We've been busy ....

therefore, sadly neglecting our blog. We are 32 weeks into the pregnancy and time could not be moving any faster. Before you know it the baby will be here and things will be crazy. We are really trying to enjoy our free time and friends/family before the big day but it's so hard when the time is just slipping through your fingers.

This past weekend my lovely friends threw Hubs and I a fantastic shower at this great little Mexican joint in our neighborhood ... Rosarito Fish Shack. The food was fantastic as usual and the company was beyond ;) It is always so great to have all of your close friends under one roof together and realize just how many special people you are surrounded with in this life! Baby A made out like a bandit and is the most spoiled little lady I know and she isn't even here yet. She is going to have some very special people in her life soon!

To get back on track with our housing projects, I have been told by my Uncle that our glass shower door has been installed and I can't wait to see it with my own two eyes this weekend! Besides the installation of the shower door, there really isn't a ton of stuff left to be done in terms of projects inside the house until we decide to finally upgrade the downstairs bathroom. Which will probably be a while ....

Outside the house is a WHOLE other story! Since the planting of our tree-fence out back, we have decided to possibly fill in the gaps with more mature trees to just give us and our neighbor some additional privacy. On the agenda for the summer we also have "installing a stone patio" right off of the back of our house. The pic below pretty  much sums up the look we are going for (although we have not yet discussed shape and size):

And in a perfect world, I would have this patio leading to an inground pool, however, we have a little lady on the way who will be demanding all our time and money this summer. With that being said, this is more along the lines of how you can expect me to be cooling off this summer ...

We better wrap up all of these tasks soon before the little one takes over our lives :)