the doldrums of January that is. I don't know what it is about January that makes it a particularly hard month to get thru. Maybe because it follows one of the most festive/happy times of the year .... the fact that the weather was unusually cold this past week or that it's just gloomy and blah. Time for vacation for this little lady/family! Nothing is planned yet, but if I'm not on a plane by the end of February headed somewhere toasty, I will most likely need to be institutionalized ;)
A is almost 7 months old and even though she isn't extremely mobile yet, it is still hard to keep her entertained all day long ... especially when you are stuck inside due to the rampant spreading flu and cold weather. We have our weekly music class on Tuesday and a few other various mommy-and-me activities to get us out of the house throughout the week, but between trying to keep her on a quasi normal nap schedule and the fact that she is a ticking time bomb waiting to go off when meeting people at bars and/or restaurants, I'm forced to stick close, if not stay IN the home a good portion of the day.
I remember Hubs and I discussing what we each found appropriate for entertaining our child before A was born ... no mobile devices before the age of 16 ... absolutely no iPad ...... and TV?!?! The horror!! Well ... turns out once your sleeve of tricks has been emptied, you will pretty much do anything for a moment of peace and quiet. Case in point: here A sits watching who even knows what on
nick TV ...
She was rather enjoying herself, even if it did only give me maybe 10 minutes to do some brainless internet catch-up.
Not only have I learned not to place unrealistic ideals on ourselves and our parenting, but that my daughter cannot rock anything in fuscia. Noted!