Here are a few pics from our weekend... Magnus taking care of moving all outdoor furniture either inside OR tethering them all to each other (love the pink umbrella), some blueberry muffins that scored me major points with the MIL (mother-in-law) as she was skyping with Mags when I was baking them (SCORE) and finally Emma, our pooped out cat from all the extra love and attention she got this past weekend stuck inside. I'm pretty sure she is suffering for seperation anxiety as I type this:
On to more exciting news.... UpstateHaven has been receiving lots of packages upstate and we are pumped to see what these fun packages hold for us. My Uncle David has been working on the hallway, getting it all prepared to be painted and our 2 new light fixtures have been hung up. We are also really hoping the new kitchen flooring has been laid, but it is not 100% certain it will be done by this weekend. Oh well... lot's of other things that can spruce the joint up such as moving more furniture into the garage to prep the downstairs bedroom for painting and then putting together our new fire pit for the backyard, just in time for the lovely pre-fall weather moving in!
* We purchased this little number from Target to keep us warm at night outdoors and keep the nasty bugs away. They seem to LOVE me for some reason.
Hopefully we will have lots of new photos and exciting things to share after heading up this coming Thursday after work!