Leaving on a jet plane...

Tomorrow Hubs and I are jetting off to his motherland to hang out with the fam-in-law and catch up with some long lost friends for 2 weeks.  The trip is bitter sweet because selfishly, I like to spend the holidays with my family since I have a couple siblings to keep the Christmas spirit alive (and wake up at the butt-crack of dawn with). I am looking forward to a little vacation though... even if it will entail social obligations pretty much everyday, all day.

We made a quick jaunt upstate to the Haven this past weekend and we took a butt load of pics with our Nikon... however, tis the season of being beyond busy and not getting anything done or uploaded.... *sigh. I did however manage to snap a few shots on my iPhone as usual and have posted them below. The pics are from our newly painted upstairs... which used to be orange...can you even imagine?

* Bookshelf that needed some freshening up!

* You can see in the back bedroom the wall that has been patched and ready to get primed...

We hope everyone has a fantastic holiday and wish everyone a happy, prosperous and healthy New Year!

I have the best intentions of blogging while away, but I have to be realistic with myself and not make any promises that I would be unable to keep.

Puss och Kram (xoxo)!